$10.00 USD

Every month

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Flesh Of Gods - Monthly Subscription

You'll get instant access to a library with all the presupported STL miniatures from this month and all the extras, and as long as you stay subscribed, you'll also get every update and new release instantly. Join the world of Flesh Of Gods!

What you'll get:

  • 20+ Monthly New Miniatures
  • Welcome Pack (46 miniatures)
  • Throwback Pack (3 miniatures)
  • Monthly RPG Magazine with D&D statblocks and lore

Disclaimer: presupported models are not guaranteed to work in every user setup due to the high number of variables in SLA 3D printing. Successfully printing our files is entirely up to the subscriber.


What Our Subscribers Say

Flesh of the Gods is one of the most exciting miniature subscriptions out there and they continue to get better and more unique with every pack. Their team is so open, ready to chat, and solve problems at a moments notice. You won’t regret it!

Charlie Collicutt (UK)